Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My battle with morality.

I want to challenge traditional beliefs about what is wrong and right, (with the exception of do not murder, do not steal, and do onto others that you would want done onto you). Why is something considered right just because it has been passed a long for centuries, some of the moral codes seem more like a bad tradition merely kept alive because the masses blindly believe whatever is told of them. Here you are now saying ‘I am different, I am not one of the masses, I think about everything on my own with an unbiased point of view before I choose my stand on an issue.’ But no you don’t. You are part of the blind mass, coerced to do anything the ruler who claims the throne of the century wants you to do. You believe in what they tell you to. And the fact is that this ruler isn’t just a faceless spirit leading from some throne in a far off paradise, but the very people who brought you here onto this Earth. But don’t blame them, ignorance is no ones fault, really. Ignorant people do not know they need to be educated. Your parents blindly excepted the revised version of the truth from their parents, and them from theirs, and so forth, onto you where you are now expected to breed a new generation of followers that will then spread this mass believe onto their own litter of heathens. And what if you revolt? Then you’re an outsider, or more correctly a sociopath, unable to socialize. But they are not unable to socialize, they just choose not to because dealing with the brainwashed citizens of our society makes them want to tear their hair out and cry in remorse for the once great society that has been reduced to shambles and lies in their minds eye.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

sudden realization

i have been trying to be someone i am not. i tried to be the funny guy in the group, someone everyone laughs at. i've been trying to be clever. but thats not me. i tried to be the socialite with a million friends. but i can't handle the drama that goes along with that. i tried to be the cute girl every guy wants to take on a date. but i dont have the time for that.

i am the girl who walks down the street alone in the rain and purposefully leaves the umbrella home. i sing anywhere there is music, and if there isnt music i sing anyways. i always have an idea, no matter how wacky it is and i always have to tell someone. i always take an hour to get ready. i got soul but i'm not a soldier. i am a loner and i love it. i think im beautiful.

hello world, i am becca.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

lonely = sad??

the definition of lonely is always paired with the emotion of sadness; even dictionary.com defines loneliness as "affected with, characterized by, or causing a depressing feeling of being alone; lonesome." But i would beg to differ.

Just because someone is alone doesnt mean that they are sad, there are even times in life that i'm sure you would prefer to be alone. example? reading, sleeping, showering, masturbation, must i continue? But looking past that i find myself prefering my company over other's. Sure i have been labeled concieted but aren't you the perfect person to yourself? (if not you have some changing to do, but that's a matter that needs it's own blog). I never back talk to myself, i always agree to myself, and somehow i always know the right things to tell myself.

Don't get me wrong, i do enjoy others company, but i wouldn't say that just because i take long drives by myself that i'm lonely. My definition of lonely is being by one's self, whether your sad or not is all up to you. Now to quote the great Jimmy Eat World "It's only in your head that you feel left out."

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

is being concieted bad?

I have been called concieted by a couple of people and i just want to say it here, yes i am concieted but i am not the concieted that the majority has denounced as immoral. I am the concieted that got injustly stereotyped into that group by those that dont know and dont want to know.

There are two type of concieted. Loving yourself because you feel proud and happy about yourself, that you have done something to be proud of. <------- me

The second type is the concieted that assume that they are amazing because they believe they deserve it, they have done nothing to deserve but try to collect the dues that they assume they deserve. (when they don't) This is a much worse evil than just being concieted.

Be the first, be able to be the first.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

capitalism vs. equality

the hypocrism of the American people never ceases to amaze me. As a nation we drive to equalize each and everyone of our citizens, yet at the same time we pride ourselves about our "American dream" a.k.a. capitalism. But to equalize our nation we would in fact have to become socialists or even go as far as communism. I have been thinking of this for some time now, and for our society to achieve complete equality, something we have been striving to do since the times of M.L.K. Jr., that would mean we would indeed need to distribute the wealth of our nation more evenly throughout our social classes. To perfectly obtain this long sought after goal of equality we would then have to get rid of our "American dream" or we would become another Cuba. As a side note I am not preaching communism, just pointing out a fact, so dont start another Red Scare and exile me to someother communistic state.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

rant + tangents = genius

sorry i have been having a hard time keeping this blog up to date, but its not like any one is reading this anyways.
Huckabee is mandating counseling for any newlywed!!!! and while being gay isnt "socially acceptable" lets support love its not like they are mean to us cause we are HETERO. Our life is our life and we have the full freedom of choice to live it exactly how we want to live it. which leads me to another point --abortion. o i can hear the shudders. for me if the child is threateing your life you have full freedom to do what you want but if you make an "oopsie" put the thing up for adoption, i mean there is a waiting list for those things. Just think of it as a business transaction.
Stem cell research. there going to throw those eggs away anyway, its not like they give us the good caviar. just let them have at it. hey who knows we might cure cancer or something silly like that.
No one else should mandate what choices we make and especially not who we love and what we do. Especially not someone who is going completely off of what his church morals are, arent we supposed to keep church and religion seperate?!?!? jesus (i dont mean that as a name of someone people worship but a simple sigh that means what the hell people how can you be so stupid.) thats all i have for tonight because my energy drink and endorphines from working out is wearing off. Ciao.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Teenage pregnancy

My school is ranked 4th highest among all schools in utah for teenage pregnancy and i always wondered why cause we are such a small school compared to the majority of Utah (and do not say it's because we've got nothing better to do, that is an over used excuse out here). But i finally came across an epiphany today while waiting in line for my lard loaded school lunch, the girl's behind me were visiting with a girl in a yellow shirt and being the nosy reporter I am I eavesdropped on their conversation. Apparently yellow shirt is now three months pregnant and is very happy at the circumstances. After Yellow Shirt left Girl #1 stated to Girl#2 that, and i quote, "being pregnant in high school was not a bad thing but only a disappointment." i'm sorry but since when did school pregnancy go from a tragedy to only a mere disappointment.
Something needs to be done here, but untill a serious change of attitude happens there is absolutely nothing we can do. Especially since last week in the same line i had to sit through(eavesdrop) another conversation about three girls and their stretch marks. This is quite disappointing. And my epiphany, at least we aren't #1.